Key Stages 1 & 2



The study of science ignites children’s excitement and curiosity about the world around them. As such, May Park Primary School aims to provide a high-quality science education that develops children’s knowledge and understanding of our world, through the disciplines of biology, chemistry and physics.  

At May Park Primary we create learners who work scientifically and are curious, they ask and answer questions. Pupils at May Park Primary participate in practical experiments, are engaged and scientifically explore the world around them. Pupil’s benefit from hands on activities, well-resourced  and planned lessons with clear lesson outcomes.  

Our curriculum develops links between the subject of science and the real world, supporting cross-curricular learning. Pupils at May Park develop a use of scientific vocabulary and are able to recall relevant scientific information. Our pupils develop their scientific skills such as prediction, questioning, testing and checking results. They are curious learners, who are keen to explore the world around them. 

It is through science enquiries, our pupils develop an understanding of the nature, processes and methods of science and work scientifically to answer questions about the world around them. 

The science curriculum at May Park equips children with the scientific knowledge required to understand the uses and implications for science, today and for the future. 

When studying Science May Park pupils: 

  • Celebrate achievement through making good progress in scientific understanding. 
  • Develop a respect for science as a study of the world around us. 
  • Explore equality, cultural awareness and diversity within science 
  • Show curiosity, by formulating and asking questions about the world around us. 
  • Are creative in their approach to demonstrating their scientific knowledge and understanding. 
  • Show resilience, by embracing challenge when mistakes are made. 


Working scientifically is embedded progressively across the science curriculum, with biology, chemistry and physics content applied by focusing on key features of scientific enquiry. Pupils learn to use a variety of approaches and work scientifically to answer relevant scientific questions, seek answers to these questions, collect, analyse and present data. 

Scientific enquiries include: 

  • Observing over time 
  • Pattern seeking
  • Identifying, classifying and grouping
  • Comparative and fair testing (controlled investigations)
  • Researching using secondary sources. 

We implement our science curriculum through the Plymouth Science Scheme. The curriculum is made up of 6-week units. The scheme of work includes: 

  • Pre learning, from previous year groups and lessons. 
  • Cross curricular links across modules 
  • Detailed lesson plans with knowledge, working scientifically and scientific enquiry objectives. 
  • Embedded working scientifically assessment. 
  • Hands on learning in each lesson with easy to follow slides. 
  • Metacognative approaches which include mini quizzes, recapping, revisiting knowledge. 
  • Knowledge quizzes at the end of each unit. 
  • Full resources included with differentiation in working scientifically skills. 


  • Children become resilient, independent and curious scientists who ask questions and find things out for themselves.    
  • Children are enthusiastic, resilient and motivated scientific learners  
  • Children retain knowledge that gives them the foundations for understanding the world. 
  • Children have a richer vocabulary which will enable to articulate their understanding of taught concepts. 
  • Children have an awareness of the full range of scientific careers and pathways available to them and will be keen to pursue STEM subjects at secondary school and beyond.   
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