
Our Intent:

At May Park Primary School, we intend to provide pupils with a high-quality education in English that will teach pupils to speak, read and write fluently so that they can communicate their ideas and emotions to others effectively.  We believe that immersing our pupils in quality literature that reflects the cultural, social, and linguistic diversity of our pupils with books that also provide rich vocabulary, language structures and models will empower pupils to become confident writers. We intend to develop writing as a transferable skill across all subjects taught across the curriculum.

When writing, pupils:

  • Celebrate the achievement of making good progress in their writing.
  • Learn to show respect for author’s and writers through choosing and using different writing styles.
  • Will experience texts which enable discussions around equality and diversity.
  • Show curiosity through their vocabulary and grammar choices and the choice of text type.
  • Are creative writers, using a range of texts as a catalyst for developing their own writing style.
  • Show resilience throughout the writing process by drafting, editing and publishing their work.
teacher and pupil


Pupils will learn how to become writers using a mastery approach. They will learn how writers write, through the use of high-quality texts. In Authors-Writer’s lessons pupils will learn: grammar, punctuation and spelling skills through a Try It, Use It, Prove It teaching sequence. This provides them with them time to practise a skill before applying it to a text type-both with the teacher and independently. We use Picture books, as a stimulus for their writing, to enable all learners to access the text regardless of ability.

Teachers enable children to become increasingly independent over a number of writing sessions. In every writing lesson, a ‘I do, We do, You do’ approach is used which enables children to see high-quality modelled writing by the teacher before moving on to shared and independent writing.


Assessment in writing is ongoing as teachers carry out in-depth assessment of children’s writing at the end of each unit, and highlight the age-related outcomes that have been achieved. We use these assessments when planning future units of work and to celebrate the progress made.