
Senior Leadership Team

Emma Tovey – Principal


James Almond – Vice Principal

Sam Williams

Sam Williams – Assistant Vice Principal / SENDCO

Staff Profiles

Middle Leadership Team

James Collins – EYFS Lead

Stacey O’Hagan – Assistant SENDCO(Resource Base)

Sophie Sturge – Teaching, Learning & Coaching

Subject Leaders

Reading: Mrs Gibb

Early Reading & Phonics: Ms Douglas

Reading For Pleasure: Mr Wood

Maths Lead: Mr. Ford

Writing: Mrs Gibb

Science: Ms Bragg

History and Geography: Miss Endelman

Music: Ms Brown

Art & Design: Mrs Finch

PE: Miss Stacey

Class 2024 – 2025

Year 6

Tokyo: Mr Wood

New Delhi: Ms Brown

Year 5

Brasilia: Miss Stacey

Santiago: Miss Endelman

Year 4

Ottowa: Mr. Ford / Miss Herbert

Kingston: Mr Fey

Year 3

Cairo: Miss Bragg

Cape Town: Mrs Akthar

Nairobi: Mrs Finch

Year 2

Berlin: Mrs. Gibb / Mrs. Gibbs

Rome: Miss Nur

Year 1

Cardiff: Mrs Raphael

Belfast: Miss Jenkins

London: Miss. Douglas

Year R

Bath: Mr Collins

Exeter: Mrs. Lloyd / Mrs. Clay

Support Staff

Ms Syaad, Ms Prytherch & Mrs Ahktar

Year N

Eastville: Mrs. Dumbaya

Support Staff

Mrs. Joel, Mrs. Blakely & Mrs Yousuf

PPA Teachers

Resource Base

Atlantis Class

Class Teacher: Mr Ian

Support Staff: Mrs Anjum & Mrs Naziyah

Narnia Class

Class Teacher: Miss Emily

Support Staff: Miss Ruby, Miss Bernie & Miss Denise

Liliput Class

Class Teacher: Miss Angela

Support Staff: Mr Jeremy, Miss Daisy, Miss Charlotte & Miss Emily

Administration Team

Business Manager: Ms Livingstone

Finance Administrator: Miss Brooks

Premises and Visits Administrator: Miss Norton


Safeguarding & Pastoral Team

Designated Safeguarding Lead: Mrs Kildea

Attendance Manager: Mrs Kaur

ELSA Practitioner: Miss Willis

ELSA Practitioner: Ms. Allen

Supporting Staff

KS1 & 2

Ms. Hilton

Mr. Moore

Mrs. Kaur

Mrs. Young

Mrs. Coombes

Miss Fisher

Mrs. Yousuf


Ms. Prytherch

Ms. Mohammed

Mrs Akhtar

Mrs. Joel

Mrs. Mohammed

Wrap Around Care

Morning Stars Breakfast Club

Lead – Mrs Coombs

Miss Williams

Ms Hilton

Mrs Akhtar

Supernovas After School Club

Lead – Mrs Young

Ms Hicken

Mrs Kildea

Ms Williams

Site Team

Caretaker: Mr Omar

Site Supervisor: Miss Williams