
Our Intent:

Mathematics is ‘a human activity, a social phenomenon, a set of methods used to help illuminate the world and is part of our culture.’ (Boaler, J 2009) We want all pupils to experience the beauty, power and enjoyment of mathematics. 

At May Park, we believe all children can achieve in maths. We aim to develop mathematical thinking and skills by nurturing curiosity and cultivating creativity through applying mathematical knowledge and skills in various ways and contexts. We foster positive ‘can do’ attitudes, use mistakes and misconceptions as an essential part of learning and provide challenge through rich and sophisticated problems. ​

teacher and pupil

When studying mathematics at May Park pupils:​

  • Celebrate pupils’ achievements of small steps on a lesson-by-lesson basis​
  • Build resilience when faced with new skills and concepts by developing and applying their understanding of mathematical language​
  • Encourage curiosity through exploration of concepts presented in different ways throughout the curriculum​
  • Practise creativity through representing and solving mathematical problems in different ways​
  • Demonstrate equality through well-structured, appropriately supported small-steps teaching​
  • Respect the benefits of mathematical knowledge through exploring real-life applications


Through using CanDoMaths, we follow a mastery approach which provides children with the opportunity to acquire a deep, long-term, secure and adaptable understanding of concepts and the subject, enabling them to move on to more advanced material.

Pupils in the EYFS learn by playing and exploring, being active and through creative and critical thinking in a variety of settings. It is clear that children learn through routine, continuous provision and incidental learning opportunities as well as planned sessions and activities. We aim to develop children’s mathematical understanding through story-telling, singing, playing games, establishing routines, questioning, allowing for imaginative play and child-initiated learning as well as structured teaching.

In Years 1-6, pupils have daily 45-minute maths lessons in the mornings and four 30-minute Maths on Track (MOT) sessions in the afternoons to further secure their mathematical understanding. New concepts are introduced in small steps to allow all learners to progress through the curriculum. At all ages, pupils learn to calculate efficiently and use reasoning skills to solve increasingly complex problems.